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Christians believe that each and every person is uniquely made in the image of God. So a Church of England funeral is a good place to give thanks for all that was special about the person you knew and loved.

A Church of England funeral can be held in a place that you choose – whether at St. Mary's church, a crematorium or a green burial ground.

It can also include unique details, whether that is what people wear, the music that is played, readings that are chosen or simply a photograph at the front. Talk to the Rev Sue about the person you want to give thanks for and the life you want to celebrate. They will help you work out what is possible.

The prayers at a funeral can also reflect a unique life. They could include prayers for work or a hobby that has been important, for those who have cared during a final illness and for family members by name. They can be led by the vicar or by someone amongst family or friends who is at ease leading prayers in public.

“God our Father, we thank you for the person we knew, the years we shared, the good we saw, and the love we received.” (Extract from a prayer used at a Church of England funeral service)

More Information

Contact Rev Sue : Email: : Tel: 01327 858018 or 07786265422