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This Week

Weekly Report - We have fed 207 friends ; 

Tuesday - Another good night!;
Tonight 98 friends came to eat and enjoyed either a Chicken or Vegetable curry or Chicken/Sausage Casserole with Vegetables cooked by our chef Gary. There were also some lovely Cup Cakes
The food bank was also busy with 57 friends accessing it and 7 new persons registered.
The welfare team, Alan, helped about 10 friends.
Thank you to all the volunteers tonight, keeping the place clean and calm!

Friday - Another wonderful Friday night at St James 3 Pillars.
Serving a dinner menu of Hotdogs or Burgers with Roast Potatoes, or Veggie Stir Fry and Garlic Bread, or Ham Salad, or Vegetable Wraps and Sandwiches all followed by Pastries or Fruit. 109 friends enjoyed our food and company. We spent a grand total of £15 on rolls and coleslaw the rest provided by our FairShare partners. On the hottest day of the year so far, congratulations to you all for turning out rather than chilling in the garden. A great effort all round.
P.S the sandwich toaster got it's debut, feeding 2 friends who were very late to the party after all the food had been used.
