11am Friday 18th. April - Walk of Witness
Walk of Witness
This year we will be walking from St. James to St. Mary's Dallington, stopping at various locations on the way.
You are invited to join us at St. Mary's Church or the for Tea & Coffee and Soup Lunch at midday.
2pm Friday 18th. April - Good Friday - St Mary's Church
St. James Church
Readings : Isaiah 52.13 – 53.12, Hebrews 10.16–25, or Hebrews 4.14–16; 5.7–9
Gospel John 18.1 – 19.42
Reader : Clergy : Prayers : Clergy
In this Service we once again hear the whole story of Jesus' Passion.
9.30am Sunday 20th. April - Easter Day
He is Risen, Alleluia
9.30am Service at St. James Church
Reader : Jill Goodman : Prayers :
11am Service at St. Mary's Church
Readings : Acts 10.34–43, 1 Corinthians 15.19–26
Gospel : Luke 24.1–12