We Remember Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, c.155
Today we pray for those living in Ellesmere Avenue, Franklin Crescent, Carlisle Avenue, Warren Road and Sulgrave Road.
Please pray for all those involved in the Ukrainian War
especially all those injured and killed
Dear Lord,
I don't know who or what will cross my path today.
But I do know that You are my Rock and my Fortress.
You are my Shield and my Strong Tower.
Help me to anchor myself to You today.
Teach me how to stand strong in You
and choose only Your way today.
Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings.
Help me to embrace anything that comes my way
as an opportunity to see You at work
and as an opportunity to point others to You.
Thank You that You love me
and nothing can ever take that away from me!
Even if I fail today and fall short,
You whisper Your unconditional love
deep into my soul and remind me that
Your mercies are new every morning.
That truly amazes me, Lord.
Thank You for meeting with me today.
Would You wake me again tomorrow
with the same sweet whisper of Your love?
I can't wait to meet with You again.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
(Wendy Blight)
I am placing my soul and my body in your sanctuary this night,
O God, in your sanctuary,
O Jesus Christ, in your sanctuary,
O Spirit of perfect truth,
the Three who would defend my cause,
nor turn their backs on me.
Father, who is kind and just, Son,
who overcame death, Holy Spirit of power,
keep me this night from harm,
the Three who would justify me,
keep me this night and always.
(Carmina Gadelica, Hymns, and Incantations)